Arylex™ Active


Weed Control for Flexibility and Freedom

Farmers around the world have been given what might feel like an impossible task: Grow more but use fewer resources to do it. Arylex™ active is a herbicide active ingredient that can help farmers do more with less and continue meeting challenges well into the future. Arylex controls tough, resistant broadleaf weeds in key crops—including cereals, winter oilseed rape, sunflowers and olive and citrus trees. Arylex helps farmers take back their fields from difficult weeds, so they can keep making the most of every hectare while minimizing environmental impact to forge a positive future on their farms.

Herbicide Compatible with Farm Practices

Arylex™ active can help farmers be more agile in making the best weed control decisions for their farms. It works in a range of climate conditions—from cool, wet springs, to warm, dry autumns. It also has a wide application window, letting farmers effectively treat weeds in different cereal crops at different development stages. And because Arylex degrades rapidly in the soil, it gives farmers more options in crop rotation and cover crops—practices that help maintain healthy soil and naturally suppress weed populations.

Sunflowers field
Sunflowers field

What Makes Arylex™ Active Unique?

Read the Technical Bulletin to learn more about how Arylex™ active gives farmers more flexibility for their farms today and in the future.

Different option against resistant weeds


Arylex is highly effective against broadleaf weed species—such as Papaver spp., Conyza spp. and Ambrosia spp.—that are showing increasing resistance to other commonly used herbicides. Arylex works by binding to a specific site in the weed’s plant cells to stop it from growing. It can be tank-mixed with other approved products,* and it’s also available in pre-mixed formulated products with other herbicide active ingredients. This gives farmers multiple modes of action to help prevent further development of weed resistance.

More freedom to rotate crops


Arylex degrades rapidly in soil and plant residues, so it’s a convenient option for farmers looking to rotate cereal crops or plant cover crops. This also makes Arylex a good option for burndown treatments, with a short interval before planting soybeans and other row crops.*

Low use rates


With Arylex, the answer to treating resistant weeds doesn’t need to be using more active ingredient. At very low use rates—just 2.5-6 grams per hectare in most cases*—Arylex even effectively controls glyphosate-resistant and ALS-resistant weeds. This allows farmers to break the cycle of using more and more inputs, to conserve costs and resources and reduce the potential for environmental impact.

Versatile Weed Control Solution

Arylex™ active makes a good partner on the farm because it offers farmers flexibility to solve diverse weed challenges in a range of crops and settings. With wide application windows, efficacy in different weather conditions and proven performance against some of the toughest weeds, Arylex is a herbicide ­farmers can put to work to meet their needs today and into the future.


Innovative Herbicide Solutions

At Corteva Agriscience, our focus is on delivering new and better crop protection options that anticipate the needs of farmers and the marketplace. Arylex™ active is just one example of how we’re applying decades of knowledge in weed science and broad research and development resources to give farmers innovative choices for their fields—choices that can help them control weeds, meet changing environmental conditions and contribute to healthier land for the future.

Our Innovation

*Always read and follow label directions and use products in accordance with local regulatory guidelines.
Arylex has many characteristics that contribute to Corteva’s commitment to advancing sustainable agriculture.