Natural Solutions to Enhance Pest Control
Biocontrol products help defend plants against pests. Some provide direct control of pests, while others work by equipping plants to defend themselves against pests. Biocontrol products, which can include insecticides, fungicides, nematicides and herbicides, can be applied directly to pests or to plants.
Biocontrol Benefits
Biocontrol products from Corteva complement use of conventional pest control products as well as other Integrated Pest Management strategies. When used with other techniques and interventions, our biocontrol products help enhance the overall effectiveness of a farmer’s pest control strategy. Incorporating biological options into a pest control strategy helps with resistance management and also enables farmers to spray less often or use lower amounts of conventional products. Since biocontrol products don’t contribute to maximum residue limits, they help farmers control pests closer to harvest than many conventional products allow, without jeopardizing crop marketability.

When used in combination with conventional products and other IPM practices, biocontrol products help enhance the overall effectiveness of a pest management program and can provide more complete control as the crop gets closer to harvest. In addition, integrated strategies using biologicals help delay the onset of resistant pests and reduce chemicals in the environment, which preserves farm health for years to come.