Blog •  6/25/2024

Leading the way with stewardship and transparency

Written By Bill Belzer 
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indoor plants facility

Today’s farmers face a growing list of both opportunities and challenges as they work to grow a safe, nutritious, and sustainable supply of food for an increasing world population. From disease and pest pressures to extreme weather conditions and dynamic economic markets, there are always obstacles to growing a productive and profitable crop.

At Corteva, we understand these challenges. Many of us grew up on farms or are actively farming today, and our teams of agronomists and sales professionals are on farms every day in nearly every corner of the world. We are committed to developing products and technologies to help farmers increase productivity, while at the same time, protecting the environment for generations to come. The combination of conventional breeding and biotechnology, along with emerging technologies such as gene editing, data science and precision farming provide a powerful toolkit for the continued production of healthy food for a growing and changing planet. 

We are also committed to being good stewards for agriculture, which includes responsible development and introduction of ag technologies and providing transparent information about how our products are developed.

Gene editing can help speed the development of new technology by creating an improved plant using the DNA that is native to that plant. In short, it makes it possible to deliver improved plant characteristics that could occur in nature or be developed through conventional breeding, but with greater precision, efficiency and speed. 

As we leverage these new tools with broad-reaching benefits for farmers, consumers and the environment, we're deeply committed to transparency and stewardship — from lab, to field to market — which is why we're pleased to be a founding member of the Plant Breeding Innovation Management Program (PBI MP). This new program outlines a set of responsible management activities that should be part of an organization’s research, development and commercialization activities for products developed through advanced breeding techniques such as gene editing.

Why? Because we believe that seed products developed through gene editing should be treated the same as conventional products in regulations and policies. However, we realize that countries around the world have a wide range of regulatory approaches to technology and we are committed to working within these systems to bring product innovations to farmers that will improve their productivity and efficiency.

The development of the PBI MP guidelines will establish a set of global best practices that will increase transparency and speed market access of these important innovations for both farmers and consumers. It also provides a way for technology developers like Corteva to listen to the voices of society, so we can understand their questions and better communicate the opportunities and benefits presented by new technologies.

We ultimately hope that this will forge a path where regulators and societies understand the benefits that new technologies can bring and support these technologies so that we can continue to develop crops that meet the future demands of farmers and a growing global population.

The PBI MP guidelines will be accessible to companies of all sizes and provided free of charge to university researchers and academics to ensure that everyone can follow consistent standards and have a voice in the development of exciting new technologies to benefit the world’s farmers.

I am proud of Corteva’s role in leading the way to establish the PBI MP framework and establish a transparent platform for bringing products developed through gene editing to market. To learn more about the program, visit the Plant Breeding Innovation Management Program website. 

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