
Drip by drip: Delivering durable protection against fungal diseases

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Water is a fungal disease’s best friend. As raindrops splash onto leaves, spores are released and spread to infiltrate leaves. Septoria, which can devastate wheat yields, can be propagating inside a plant for nearly a month before there are signs of infection. By the time damage is visible, yield is already lost, and it is too late to control the disease. Without effective ways to prevent this disease from establishing, growers can have significant yield losses.

Inatreq™ active with iQ-4™ technology helps prevent fungal diseases from taking hold in plants by thoroughly coating leaves then penetrating the waxy layer, moving into the leaf tissue, where it prevents establishment of the fungal pathogen.

Naturally derived

Inatreq begins as a natural substance known as UK-2A, which is produced by the fermentation of a naturally occurring bacteria. Inatreq delivers the natural abilities of UK-2A in a formulated active ingredient that’s practical for farmers to use in the field. The formulation uses iQ-4 technology, which helps the active ingredient spread thoroughly on the leaf’s surface and absorb quickly into the leaf’s wax layer, making it rainfast within an hour of application.

Lying in wait

Inatreq  sits in the leaf wax layer and provides 4-6 weeks’ protection against cereal fungi establishing on the leaf surface.  The wax layer acts as a reservoir where small quantities of Inatreq slowly penetrate into the inner leaf layers. Here, plant enzymes convert it back to its natural form, UK-2A, which can provide curative activity of early established disease. When fungal spores come into contact with the plant, UK-2A stops the spores from growing by binding to a unique site on the fungi. This helps make Inatreq especially effective, and means it has no cross-resistance to other fungicide active ingredients.  UK-2A is degraded in plants to naturally occurring inert products within 14 days.

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Inatreq natural molecule_v01

When Inatreq has absorbed into plant tissue, it converts back to its natural form, UK-2A, and waits in the plant, protecting it for as long as six weeks. It activates only when it comes into contact with fungi.

Inatreq is the only fungicide of natural origin that works in this way—converting to an active, fungicidal form once absorbed into the plant. In recognition of the special way it works—as well as its benefits in reducing resistance and innovative i-Q4™ technology formulation—Inatreq was named the Best New Crop Protection Product in 2021 by the Crop Science Forum.

In the same way Inatreq sits patiently in the plants it protects, farmers know that a successful season is a waiting game. Access to innovative active ingredients like Inatreq makes that wait a little easier and the future more secure, knowing their fields have a chance to stay greener and more productive with steady, long-lasting protection.

Learn more about Inatreq active